Tuesday, June 17, 2008

24 Hour Visit

I called Dr. Abdesolon yesterday and he just called me back today. I explained to him what was going on with Kaitlyn and how she was having breathing issues and how the pedi. thinks that it is acid related. Well Dr. A. doesn't see how that her breathing problems could be related to her acid reflex but will do a PH test to measure the amount of acid that is coming up. Im not for sure when they plan on doing this but he made it sound either this week or early next. They will stick a tube down Kaitlyn's nose, kind of like an NG and that will stay in for 24 hours. She will need to be observed in the hospital for 24 hours and then we will get the results and go from there. If it is indeed from the acid or the acid is really high, they will try a series of things. Increase her meds,change her meds around, the GJ(one time only thing) will just have to wait and see. Atleast right now we are trying to find out what is going on. Please continue to pray that we find out what is causing Kaitlyn's breathing problems.

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